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Morris Minor Club Hampshire - Blog - April at Last - Morris Minor Drive Time


Updated: Apr 24, 2024


Our nominated destination for Drive It Day 0n April 21st is Exbury Club in the New Forest with the “Pride & Joy Vehicle Meet”.  Artur N will act as advance party, securing parking places for us at the Club.  Please try to attend to contribute to a friendly, lively HAMMOC stand.  This year will be a dynamic Drive It Day, as members are encouraged to linger at the Pride & Joy Vehicle Meet for 1 – 2 hours, then join in the fun of driving around the New Forest, with Beaulieu National Motor Museum acting as a magnet for all classic cars.


The final presentation in our winter series was delivered by Russ S and his lovely assistant, Gloria, on March 19th at the Lapstone pub.  Around 30 members attended.

Russ introduced the topic by illustrating that AI has been present in our daily lives for some time, in applications ranging across banking, loyalty cards, medical diagnosis, spam filters and the like.  He used the furore surrounding the publication of the Mother’s Day photo of the Princess of Wales and her children as an example of AI used inexpertly.  However, he pointed out that the metadata associated with the picture showed how, what, when and where it had been manipulated.

Unsurprisingly, Russ asked ChatGPT, an AI programme, to write a presentation on Morris Minors.  It produced a succinct, structured presentation which only the initiated; such as our members, could tell was not entirely accurate, when it noted that Morris Minors were “powered by a range of engines, including a 1.0L to 1.1L engine” as opposed to specifying the 918cc, 803cc, 948cc and 1098cc engines.  That demonstrated how difficult it is to determine fact from AI generated content.

Russ subsequently requested ChatGPT to produce a presentation on AI.  The programme produced 8 slides, which took us all through the advances in AI, the threats, benefits and the future of it.  A UK government White Paper has been published on prioritising the short-term risks and harms of AI and a package of activities to address the risks.  Whenever, the general election is announced, please think AI and how it may be used to influence your vote.

Russ concluded that we should not be afraid of AI.  Generally, the manufacturing and service sectors see it as being beneficial when managed correctly.

 There is a threat from national and international “bad actors” since AI is so readily available, and we should question anything that doesn’t look quite right – like those engine capacity figures.  A fascinating, topical presentation that nicely concluded our winter series. 

We are uncertain whether the picture of Russ, surrounded by starry lights, was a self-generated AI project in flattery, or a product of Mary M’s photographic skills.

Morris Minor Club Meeting Talk - AI in the World


The advent of spring means classic cars start to appear at public events. We have been made aware that before you leave such an event, it is worth taking a look around your own car, especially underneath.

Trackers, similar to this one, are selling for around £20 and can be attached magnetically or taped to the floor of your classic car, allowing thieves to track where you and your car live. We know of an MOT inspector who recently found one on a car he was inspecting.


Nick S has sent us this picture of one of our business cards displayed in his Traveller rear windscreen.

This is a great idea to advertise our Club. People who admire your car and own, or are interested in, a Morris Minor can get in touch with the Club.


Morris Minor Club Hampshire Road Run, our road trim with classic cars to various locations in England

The first Club Road Run road run will meet and start from Basingwell Car Park, Lower Basingwell Street, Bishops Waltham SO32 1AJ. We will meet at 7:30pm for a 7:45pm departure.



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